No, there are entries in the German speaking part (RESALE.DE), which do not exist in the English speaking part (RESALE.INFO). Therefore a look in the German part could be helpful, if you don't find the machine you're looking for in RESALE.INFO. In fact, there are not only two language parts, but two market places, the German speaking market (RESALE.DE) and the international English speaking market (RESALE.INFO).
The machinery items are set directly by the sellers. Please contact them directly via the inquiry form or phone. An inquiry form is always available, phone number not always.
Experience shows that there are many reasons why the seller is not responding. You could do the inquiry again a couple of days later. Anyway we can't help you on this matter.
If you are not registered, please register first and click on the booking at registration. If you are already registered, log in and order the membership. Of course you can send us an email to order the membership, too.
Yes, as a member your company is added to the dealers list including company logo and firm description. Or order banner advertisement and promote your company, products or services.